Emergency management and intercultural communication: a practical course







As part of the Em-city project, an intensive training course is proposed, which will allow us to explore  the theme that different linguistic and cultural approaches share between the groups of people that compose them. The appointment is scheduled for 14 and 15 October 2023, from 9.00 to 17.00 at the House of Associations in Sovizzo (Vi).

Em-city is an EU ERASMUS PLUS project which sees the involvement of four countries (Italy, Cyprus, Turkey and Greece) and aims to promote social inclusion between different groups of local communities, especially in cases of emergency, recognizing the role of young people as a resource and possibility of cohesion between people in the community.

EM CITY: Emergency Management by Communicates Interaction Through Youth, operates in the contemporary global context, which is dictating us to deal with climate, health and humanitarian emergency situations with a frequency never experienced in the past. Among the obstacles encountered during emergency situations is limited communication between groups of people who live in the same area and have limited access to key information to manage the circumstance. The project is aimed at young people, because young people themselves should act as a link between the different groups that make up a community.

However, adequate training is necessary, in this regard the course offered aims to promote skills relating to communication and action in emergency situations. It also aims to manage positive dialogue between culturally and linguistically diverse groups and to cover the key topics of emergency management, civil protection, cross-cultural psychology, effective communication, teamwork and volunteering.

The course is aimed at young people aged between 18 and 30 and who are interested in the field of civil protection, cross-cultural dialogue and volunteering or who are curious about having a new training experience.

The training will have an experiential approach, so you will learn by doing: thanks to participation in practical, interactive workshops and experiences in an informal environment. You will be offered the opportunity to participate in a journey in which the group itself defines the pace.

It will be an opportunity to meet facilitators and experts in the sector and you will have the opportunity to network: create a network, get to know participants and institutions in the local area.

You can register by filling out the form.

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