Today EPC is in Venice for the launch of the new programme and the first call of Interreg Italy-Croatia
So many friends and colleagues, so much information learned… and the first conceps are also developing!
Today EPC is in Venice for the launch of the new programme and the first call of Interreg Italy-Croatia
So many friends and colleagues, so much information learned… and the first conceps are also developing!
The event “Virtuous water management: concrete actions for companies and local authorities” was held on Monday 20 January at the Bacchiglione Resurgences naturalistic area in Dueville (VI). A well-attended public
The Erasmus + KA220 project “EcoMystery: Interactive Escape Rooms to raise awareness of the climate crisis and civic engagement in school education”officially began on 1 December 2024, of which EPC
After four years of activity, the Cities2030 project is coming to an end. The initiative, which involved more than 40 partners from over 19 countries, aimed to make food systems
The RiScopro project, born in 2022 to enhance the springs of Bressanvido and promote environmental education among young people, has reached its official closing phase. EPC is proud for having
Quarries are now at the forefront of a technological revolution due to the increasingly widespread adoption of drone photogrammetric surveying. This methodology, already established as one of the most efficient