News and Articles

EPC – News

Il progetto aveva come scopo quello di raccogliere dati geografici e topografici in un’area estesa nella zona extraurbana del Comune di Albignasego. Le informazioni dettagliate raccolte sono state fondamentali per la pianificazione e la progettazione di interventi di sistemazione idraulica dell’area. Le attività svolte includono due metodi di rilevamento principali: la fotogrammetria e il laser

We would like to present AI Smart – Interreg Greece-Italy project we participated in the project event held in Bari. During the days of the meeting we had the pleasure of visiting the port of the town of Otranto, where the project’s activities have made possible the enhancement of innovative services for tourism and the

The Project RiScopro is aimed at children and young people in primary and secondary schools in the province of Vicenza. The project is part of the environmental awareness and protection programs, in fact through guided tours and laboratory activities the new generations were involved in the knowledge of natural ecosystems to learn the importance of

EPC in Zadar for the AdriaClim Project Meeting held on 29 and 30 November
On October 27th at Palazzo Cordellina was held the conference 'Sustainable Urban Food', organised by the Municipality of Vicenza within the Cities2030 project activities.

Today EPC is in Venice for the launch of the new programme and the first call of Interreg Italy-Croatia So many friends and colleagues, so much information learned… and the first conceps are also developing!

The project management team in Brindisi for the Steering Committee Meeting
An all-female delegation for Cities2030 at Terra Madre in Turin
The project partners in the upcoming days, will present their research results at two major events
The EM-CITY project on-site activities has been launched with the organization of the the first Focus Group
As part of the cross-border project AdriaClim Project was organised an international conference "Protect the coast, adapt to climate change!
A webinar was held on Thursday 5 May to present the publication "The recovery of rural buildings and opportunities for the Veneto Region mountains"
In the European Year of Youth, EPC is coordinating the Erasmus+ Youth EM CITY project in a partnership with non-profit organisations
On Thursday 24 March Transfarm 4.0 held an educational workshop
On Saturday 26 March at 11 am, at the Conference Center of Longarone Fiere, the SHELTER Project and