EPC Srl is the coordinator and lead partner of The EcoMystery Project: Interactive Escape Rooms for Climate Crisis Awareness and Civic Engagement in School Education, assuming both technical and overall partnership management and coordination roles.
The project aims to raise awareness of the need to promote education on the climate crisis by providing innovative tools for teachers, encouraging students to develop effective solutions, and creating a multiplier effect on public opinion.
EcoMystery will offer schools new methodologies, such as gamification (primarily through escape rooms) and the use of digital tools, to motivate the school community to take a proactive role in environmental education and action, while promoting active environmental citizenship and sustainable development.
EPC European Project Consulting Srl is the coordinator and leader of the project, with the following partners: Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Correia Mateus (Portugal), Centrul Judetean de Excelenta Galati (Romania), KOINONIKI SYNETAIRISTIKI EPIXEIRISI SYLLOGIKIS KAI KOINONIKIS OFELEIAS BLUECHAIN (Greece), Social Nebula Single Member P.C. (Greece), univerzita Komenskeho V Bratislave (Slovakia).
You can read and download the project sheet on the Erasmus+ website.